Sunday, July 24, 2011

Goodwill Hunting

I am sharing my very first project on my blog...anxiety mixed with excitement!

Last week I met my good friend, Kari, to go Goodwill Hunting. We made lots of stops, and I spent a whopping $22 on the following items:

$2 (Scrabble & bowl)

$9 (candlesticks & pitchers)

$11 (All kinds of fun stuff!)

Of course, I had to do some photo editing, too, since photography is my dream. This is my find "vintage" style. I like!

Now for the project process:
First, I washed the cheese plate and dome.
Next, I painted the wooden plate. I didn't want to go to the store to buy flat black paint, so I used satin.
The black was a little too shiney so I sanded it to reveal some of the wooden plate.

Now, I could let the podging begin! I found some paper in my stash, measured the diameter of the plate, then cut out a perfectly sized circle on my Cricut. I used Mod Podge to adhere it to the plate, inked the edges of the paper so it didn't look so "new," then added a ribbon on the dome.

I thought the moss stones I bought at a dollar store for, you guessed it, $1, would look good under the dome, but they really didn't float my boat.

So, I looked around the house and found some shells....yes...shells always work, plus they remind me of the beach, which is where I long to be....doing photography....sigh....

What do you think?
Remember, be kind...I'm a virgin crafter and wanna be blogger.

Sonnet Gal

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Junk in My Trunk

Yes, it has a double meaning, and thanks to my good friend, Kari, who is an official tiara wearing junker, I have today's title for my blog entry.

I met Kari in our favorite shopping city and look what we found! (These are all the "before"pictures, by the way!) We also discovered some amazing places to eat, which gives "junk in my trunk" the other meaning. :-)

Happy Goodwill Hunting!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

Yes, I realized that is not a 4th of July picture! One of the blogs I follow is I Heart Naptime. She wrote about holiday traditions, so I shared mine (pictures of my kids in their Christmas box) in hopes to win some beautiful flowers she made.