Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 5

Posting will occur later this week.  Thanks!

Week 4

Self Portrait

This week was very difficult for me, which is why it is being posted late.  First, I am not confident in my skin; therefore, I do not like to have my picture taken. Second, I have not mastered the high-school-girl-extended-arm-pouty-lip shot with the camera phone.  Finally, I was out of town for a photography retreat with Lara Blair, akaModern Prairie Girl in Snyder, Texas, at the Windmill Ranch Preserve and didn't have internet service.

As you can tell from the above paragraph, I am good at making excuses; however, Lara Blair was not going to give me a chance to get away with that any longer.  She was gracious enough to take head shots of all the photographers at the retreat.  Thank you, Lara, for a drink from a fire hydrant coupled with encouragement and pie in the sky discussions.